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The spatial inscription of science – Program

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Monday, 26 May 2014


10h -12h Guided tour of the campus Curie

In english : please register with the organisers by May 9th, 2014

12h – 13h30 Lunch


13h30 Welcoming adresses


14h – 18h The architectural design of universities and what it says about conceptions of the university, science and the city.

Architectural design cannot be reduced to technical constraints. Buildings « do » and « say » a lot about the activities they host. Thus university architectures are revealing of the conceptions of science prevailing at the time they were built. Different cases will be presented, spread over the last three centuries and reaching into the present.
Chair : Andrée Bergeron

  • Carla Yanni (Rudgers university)
    Health, Space, and the City: Housing Women at Co-educational American Colleges  (1890-1915)
  • Loic Vadelorge (Université Marne la Vallée)
    Equipements universitaires et villes nouvelles en région parisienne (1965-1975)
  • Volny Fages (ENS Cachan), Ronan le Roux (Université de Versailles-St Quentin)
    Réorganisations urbaines et transformations des pratiques de recherche scientifique : le cas du cluster Paris-Saclay
  • Friedrich von Bose (Humboldt Universität, Berlin)
    The cultural politics of exhibiting « other cultures »: spatial arrangements, geographical inscriptions, and the intricacies of museum
    making. The Berlin case.

19h 30 Dinner


Tuesday, 27th May 2014


9h – 12h Science and technology exhibitions and museums in and through national spaces

What is the power of locality in the staging of science and technology? This question can be broached by comparing exhibitions across different national and regional settings, looking into travelling exhibitions and each of their local embodiements or studying international exhibitions or professional congresses.
Chair: Pascale Rabault-Feuerhahn (ENS-CNRS)

  •  Christian Vogel (Humboldt Universität, Berlin)
    Gilbert Simondon at the exhibition. From ‘concrete’ to ‘abstract’ x-ray machines and the practice of showing at science exhibitions
  • Loic Charles et Yann Giraud (Ined, Université de Cergy-Pontoise)
    Social Science Museums in Europe and the United States (1903-1940): Utopia in the Age of Nationalism
  • Andrée Bergeron, Charlotte Bigg
    The Planetarium at the international exhibition of 1937 in Paris


12h – 13h30 Lunch


13h30 – 17h Domes as spatial devices for staging science and modernity

Domes, such as the innovative Zeiss planetarium dome developed in the 1920s, or Buckminster Fuller’s geodesic domes that had spread worldwide by the end of the twentieth century, are spatial devices often used for putting science on display. The astonomical sciences are projected inside the surface of the planetarium, while technology and science are showcased in domes as part of large exhibitions, such as the Atoms for Peace exhibitions of the 1960s. Through their architecture and their visually unique appearance in the urban landscape domes also themselves advertise a particular kind of techno-scientific modernity, modernism or even futurism. As permanent or temporary architectural landmarks, they provide a space where science popularization meets science fiction. In their concrete materiality, they embody real or imagined configurations of science, technology and society.
Chair : Jochen Hennig

  •  Felix Sattler (Humboldt Universität)
    From Dome to Desk: The Staging of Science as a Spectacle of Sacrifice and Ressurection in Carl Gotthard Langhans Veterinary Anatomy Theater
  • Pedro Raposo (Université de Lisbonne)
    Commanding the heavens: Conceição Silva (1903-1969), the Portuguese War Navy, and the Gulbenkian Planetarium in Lisbon
  • Sebastian Grevsmühl (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris)
    Cultural history of Buckminster Fuller’s dome, materialized utopias and their uses in exhibitions 
  • Lino Camprubi (Université autonome de Barcelone)
    Domes, models and silos as functional representatives of the Francoist state.

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Les mises en scène des sciences et leurs enjeux. 19e – 21e siècles